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A Covid-19 Lockdown Series

"...'til Snooker do us Part..."

Lesson 1 - The ``honeymoon`` Phase

This first episode in our fun and light-hearted “til Snooker do us Part…” series covers the basic fundamentals of learning to play Snooker – Stance, Bridge and Grip.  Watch as WPBSA Level 2 coach David Puddy coaches his Wife & Snooker beginner Kristina Puddy during the 2020 COVID-19 lock-down. 

lesson 2 - The ``adjustment`` phase

As in any Marriage after the Honeymoon comes “the Adjustment Phase” and with Snooker its very similar.  After the initial introduction of lesson 1, and working on practicing the fundamentals for a week, now comes the next step which is to apply those techniques in more realistic situations in order to grow the excitement, but as we know this does not always happen right away……….. 

lesson 3 - The ``great escape`` phase

 Phase 3 of a marriage is sometimes called “the Great Escape”. This is where a relationship is tested, and the work really begins.  Lesson 3 in this series emulates this phase in the “marriage” between Player and Table.  

Will the initial passion be replaced by frustration…….?. 


lesson 4 - The ``Reassessment`` phase

Coached by her Husband, WPBSA World Snooker Coach David Puddy, Kristina Puddy’s “Marriage” with Snooker enters the Growing Together phase. This lesson starts to combine the basic element of consistent pre-shot routine, with the more advanced elements required for cue ball control – namely Screw, Stun and Follow Through.   The growth of these two elements together forms a strong connection in this relationship – a long way from “The Honeymoon Phase” now!! 


Coached by her Husband, WPBSA World Snooker Coach David Puddy, Kristina Puddy’s “Marriage” with Snooker enters the Growing Together phase. This lesson starts to combine the basic element of consistent pre-shot routine, with the more advanced elements required for cue ball control – namely Screw, Stun and Follow Through.   The growth of these two elements together forms a strong connection in this relationship – a long way from “The Honeymoon Phase” now!! 


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